Ferguson shooting of unarmed innocent black teen

Protestors raise hands to show solidarity for Michael Brown, 18, who was unarmed when shot by police in Ferguson, Mo.SID HASTINGS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Counter shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown with facts, not rage

Michael Brown, 18, was unarmed when a police officer fatally shot him around noon on Saturday in Ferguson, a close-in suburb of St. Louis. Some witnesses said he had his hands in the air.

By Sunday night, the small city had become a repository for grief, rage and resentment over what is undeniably a stain on modern-day America — the targeting of young black men by law enforcement and its pretenders.
Too little is known at this point of the circumstances of Brown’s death to draw many conclusions. Different scenarios have been put forth by the Ferguson police and a young man who was accompanying Brown. Both seem improbable on the surface, but much remains unclear.

The St. Louis County police and the FBI have initiated investigations into the shooting, independent of each other. That’s the right way to go.  Read more >>

Ferguson Riots | Looting of Ferguson After Mike Brown Killed by Police | Missouri ST. Louis


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