SHOCK CLAIM: John Kerry ‘visited Antarctica to examine secret Nazi UFO base’


US SECRETARY of State John Kerry visited Antarctica to examine the remains of a secret Nazi UFO base, it has extraordinarily been claimed.


Kerry visited the frozen continent last month, officially to highlight the effects of climate change, but conspiracy theorists bizarrely claim it was to examine “Nazi UFO bases.”

The madcap claim stems back to earlier conspiracy theories, one being that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in his Berlin bunker in May 1945, but escaped in a submarine to a secret base in Antarctica. 

The other is astonishingly that the Nazis shared secret Antarctic UFO bases with reptilian alien species in the run up to WWII, where they experimented with flying saucer technology.

Now, after the Kerry visit, which conspiracy theorists suggest was to view these bases, it is being claimed that a Nazi UFO base is visible in images of the Antarctic taken by NASA.  Read more >>

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