Baltic Sea Under Water UFO

Is the 140,000-yr-old ‘Baltic Sea Anomaly’ a crashed UFO 300ft down on the seabed?

THIS 200ft wide object 300ft below the Baltic, with its ‘staircase leading to a dark hole’ has baffled oceanographers since its discovery in 2012

An Ocean X interpretation of what the Baltic Sea Anomaly may look like based on their data (Credit: youtube)

Now explorers believe they are one step closer to discovering the truth behind the mysterious 140,000-year-old Baltic Sea Anomaly.

Bearing a striking resemblance to the Star Wars Millennium Falcon, the Baltic Sea Anomaly appears to be formed of pieces of angular metal – prompting claims it is a crashed UFO.
Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team of marine explorers discovered the strange object during a dive searching for an old shipwreck. 

Instead he discovered the so-called Anomaly. 

Denis Asberg, who made the discovery alongside Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it there is a lot of loose rocks. 

“The trail starts from here. Actually there is two trails. There is the one that leads to this large circle. Then there is another trail that leads to the second object which is about 200 metres from the round circle. We found it at the same time as the circle. But we had such focus on the circle that we have not had enough time to look at the other object. It is not circular.  Read more >> 

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