
Showing posts with the label UFO Sightings

UFO sightings in Broad Haven marked 40 years on

Credit: There were no alien invasions or tales of abduction, yet a UFO sighting by a group of Pembrokeshire school children remains one of the most famous cases in Wales. It was 40 years ago when a class of pupils at Broad Haven Primary School said they spotted a UFO in a field near their playground. It was one of a wave of sightings in the area in 1977 - dubbed the Dyfed Triangle. David Davies was 10 at the time and heard reports of pupils seeing flying saucers throughout the day. "I was a natural born sceptic so after the bell rang I decided to go to the area that the children said they had seen it," he told BBC Wales. He described seeing a silver "cigar-shaped" craft with a "dome covering the middle third". "My sighting only lasted a couple of seconds. It popped up and then went back behind a tree." Mr Davies said he did not feel afraid, "more in awe and wonderment", although he admitted he had ...

A bizarre video appears to show a UFO arriving at earth

A bizarre video appears to show a UFO arriving at earth through a bright blue wormhole - or at least that's what it looks like. The footage, shot at an unknown location, looks like it shows a space ship being beamed down to earth via a bright blue tractor beam. It is not known who shot the weird clip - or what it really shows - but it was first posted on a Spanish Facebook group.   Read more >> ------------------------------------------------ Source:

UFO Drops Glowing Orbs Above Security Officer

UFO Drops Glowing Orbs Above Security Officer - Fairbanks, Alaska A routine patrol turned UFO encounter lasted upwards of five minutes for a security officer in Fairbanks, Alaska. He managed to film most of the encounter, including two extraordinary moments when the object seemingly splits apart into multiple pieces. (Credit: Youtube )

UFO Attack Imminent As Turkey Experiences Mass Sightings

UFO Attack Imminent As Turkey Experiences Mass Sightings, Is America Next? In one of the most chilling UFO-related incidents of the year, a series of ominous lights have been seen by numerous witnesses in Turkey Sunday night, fuelling fears that a possible extraterrestrial attack might soon be taking place. The mysterious objects, which were very similar in appearance to the famous Phoenix Lights incident back in 1997, have been sighted by witnesses all over the Middle Eastern country, resulting in the hashtag #ufoattacktoturkey immediately trending on Twitter. What was particularly disturbing, however, was the fact that Twitter immediately started removing photos and tweets related to the incident hours after the hashtag trended.  Read more >> Source:

Mysterious emerald-green orb 'UFO' appears over Japan

Little green yen: Mysterious emerald-green orb 'UFO' appears over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks behind it A mysterious green 'UFO' has been spotted over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks behind it as it travelled across the sky. The green orb was seen in Niigata, in the north of the country, in the early hours of Monday morning. Experts say the object was likely to be a fireball, the name given to a very bright meteor. Read more >> Source:

UFO enthusiast claims a strange multi-coloured light 'broke' her video camera

Image A UFO enthusiast claims a strange multi-coloured light 'broke' her video camera as she tried to record it hovering over her house. The woman, who reveals on her YouTube channel that her name is Melody, describes multi-coloured ball of light, that appear to be chasing an orange 'orb'. At several points throughout the footage, the mysterious ball appears to change from red to blue to green, but that wasn't the strangest thing she noticed. In the video, Melody says: "There is a humming noise coming from this craft. Read more >> Source:

Is ET cleaning up?

Is ET cleaning up? Creepy UFO zaps plane's chemtrail cloud from the sky in erratic flight manoeuvres   A UFO has been filmed seemingly sucking up the clouds in the sky left behind by an aircraft engine. This bizarre footage was captured when chemtrails disappeared behind a white light that moved smoothly through them. And when it was done, the unidentified light or craft just zipped off again. Posted online by YouTuber WTFflow , the video was taken on September 28 at 7.41pm. He explains: "I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset. "To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after five or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be manmade.   Read more >> Source:


An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. Culturally, UFOs are associated with claims of visitation by extraterrestrial life or government-related conspiracy theories, and have become popular subjects in fiction. While UFOs are often later identified, sometimes identification may not be possible owing to the usually low quality of evidence related to UFO sightings (generally anecdotal evidence and eyewitness accounts).   Read more >> Source:

Winston Churchill’s X-Files

Winston Churchill’s X-Files: Top secret UFO probe revealed SIR Winston Churchill ordered a top secret investigation into flying saucers – and may have covered-up evidence of aliens. Declassified documents reveal Britain’s great wartime prime minister asked a special team of Whitehall mandarins – called the Flying Saucer Working Party – to discover “the truth” behind a worrying number of UFO sightings. The official report explained away the numerous observations – which included strange objects over US capital Washington DC picked up by several military radar. But, in a deathbed confession, Churchill’s personal bodyguard accused his boss of covering up a close encounter over Britain by the RAF itself. BELIEVER?: Sir Winston Churchill ordered an investigation into flying saucers ( Towards the end of World War 2 RAF pilots started reporting encounters with mysterious aircraft, which they called “foo fighters”. Officials ass...

Wormhole and Green UFO Mass Sightings Over Cape Town

Wormhole and Green UFO Mass Sightings Over Cape Town Trend On Twitter Credit: Several people reported witnessing strange bright green UFOs above Cape Town in the night sky. Hashtag #UFO has trended in Twitter as many online citizens posted about the bizarre flying objects went up. The scene was so strange that made some to wonder if it was a wormhole or portal in the sky from another dimension. One witness said that the mass sighting was all over Twitter, and many people posted about a green glowing disk above South Africa. The bright disk was spotted at the Cape of Good Hope, above Cape Town. In the enlargement that this witness has made, a disk shape can be seen with glowing bottom center. The poster claimed that it was the same UFO he spotted three years ago. He claimed to have discovered it on Google Earth map, but Google deleted it from their map after he made a video and reported it on his site.   Read more >> ...

Creepy UFO sighting caught in Midrand South Africa Oct 26th 2015

Source: youtube


INDEPENDENCE DAY UFO: City stunned as huge ‘flying saucer’ hovers for 10 hours The 'flying saucer' supposedly hovered for ten hours over the city. ( Credit: ) By JON AUSTIN HUNDREDS of people claim to have seen a huge flying saucer hovering over a city for 10 hours yesterday. Conspiracy theorists were sent into overdrive fearing Earth was about to be invaded by aliens, or even that military leaders were experimenting with alien space craft technology. Translated reports said some of the witnesses described the UFO as being suspended in the sky hovering over Shanghai, China, with some claiming to have seen it for the whole ten hours, mostly at night. One witness, a man named as Mr Yeng, said he observed it through a telescope and saw it flash red, yellow and blue. A still from a local news report showing the saucer in the top left.   ( Credit: ) Source:


UFOS GET CRAZY: 'Ten-mile mothership', 'angel by sun' and 'flying saucer obscured by cloud Credit: By JON AUSTIN IF YOU thought UFO sightings could not get any more far fetched then think again. A rapidly growing number of recent reports of unidentified flying objects range from monster-sized UFOs lurking in our atmosphere to a planet sized alien creation sucking energy from the Sun. First up is a "10-mile wide" UFO mothership gliding across the Earth’s atmosphere as seen from the International Space Station (ISS) livestream. Never one to disappoint when it comes to challenging theories, Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily blog site released the footage to YouTube under the title "Ten-mile UFO seen moving across Earth from space station June 8, 2016". Looking remarkably like a circular-shaped cloud, Mr Waring claims to be convinced it is actually a huge UFO hidden inside a cloud - a techniqu...

UFO 'that could prove Phoenix Lights incident once and for all' caught on stunning film

Three stills from the video showing the strange triangle-formation UFO (Credit: UFO 'that could prove Phoenix Lights incident once and for all' caught on stunning film ET chasers say they believe it could prove once and for all aliens visit Earth. The bizarre object was filmed by a shocked driver at night in Florida. In the short video, first broadcast by the FindingUFO YouTube channel, the man who filmed it cannot contain his amazement at what he is seeing. The witness, who has not been named, is said to have captured the footage on May 7 on Highway 46. He said in the clip: "I don't know if this is being caught, but there is a f***ing flying saucer right there. "What the… it was moving and now it's hovering. "I don't see it anymore, where the hell did it go?  ( Read more >> ) Source:

Triangle UFO photographed low over Virginia

Witness photo. (Credit: MUFON) by: Roger Marsh A Virginia witness at Charlottesville reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that briefly hovered and moved away at a fairly low altitude, according to testimony in Case 76512 from the Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON ) witness reporting database. The witness and her husband were driving home along Barracks Road when her husband pointed out an object in the sky saying, “That is not a regular airplane,” about 9 p.m. on May 21, 2016. “I looked out the window and stopped in the road when I saw it was hovering almost slightly above us,” the witness stated.“Distance cannot be determined – maybe 2,500 feet above.” The witness described the object. “It had several bright, white lights, some flashing, others remained constant. Intuitively, we sensed that it sensed us and perhaps saw us stop our car in the middle of road, to which it then hovered for at least 10 seconds. Then it continued on a low alt...

Eerie video shows possible UFO hovering over downtown Houston, Texas

A video has surfaced showing a mysterious object in the night sky above Houston, Texas last month.  The video  shows a brightly lit object hovering in the skyline above downtown. The person recording the video zooms in and out on the object for 30 seconds, and appears to be filming the clip from near an apartment complex.   While the video was purportedly recorded on April 2, it wasn't posted online until last week, when the person who recorded the video, YouTube user Luckiie Dude, uploaded it to a UFO blog.  'I spotted this right over downtown going in a horizontal pattern,' the user wrote, after posting the video. 'The next day there was a NCAA blimp in the same sky. I'm confused. UFO or blimp?'  According to a map created last year, Houston has a relatively low amount of UFO sightings compared to the rest of the country - especially the southeast where the U.S. military conducts more test flights.  Data from the National U...

Phoenix Sky Harbor employee reports UFO sighting

                                                     (Facebook Photo) What is that thing?! Phoenix Sky Harbor employee reports UFO sighting SHARE STORY BY TY SCHOLES PHOENIX — A Phoenix Sky Harbor employee said he spotted an unidentified flying object flying low above the airport while he was working in March. According to the testimony in Case 75640 from the Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON ) witness reporting database, the massive object flew less than 500 feet overhead. The witness reported watching a chevron-shaped UFO fly northwest over the airport while he was “disposing of trash” at about 9 p.m. on March 1. “The lights were what I noticed at first,” the witness said  in the report . “They were white and formed a chevron shape that allowed me to notice the shape of the object. It was very large as it passed beside me. ...

2015 was a big year for Canadian UFO sightings

2015 was a big year for Canadian UFO sightings, report says File photo - People look at the night sky using night vision goggles during an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) tour in the desert outside Sedona, Arizona Feb. 14, 2013. (REUTERS/Mike Blake) Canada experienced a very high number of reported UFO sightings in 2015, according to an  annual survey  released by Winnipeg, Manitoba-based Ufology Research. Chris Rutkowski, one of the researchers that compiled the survey, told CBC that reported sightings in Canada last year were the second highest since the survey began in 1989. There were 1,267 reported sightings of UFOs in 2015, according to the report, up from 1,021 in 2014. The highest number of reported sightings was 1,981 in 2012. Survey researchers  note  that 2012 was the year of the so-called “end of the world” event associated with the ancient Mayan calendar, potentially fuelling interest in UFOs.   Read more >> S...

UFO filmed hiding behind clouds after man hears 'strange sounds in sky for days'

"Jaw dropping" UFO filmed hiding behind clouds after man hears 'strange sounds in sky for days' Credit: This footage which appears to simply show a cloudy sky actually shows a massive airborne machine, according to  UFO  fans. Spotted above the town of Frayser, Tennesse, USA, the clip apparently shows a "jaw-dropping" large craft which peeks out briefly from behind the cloud cover. After showing the clip the first time, an "expert" from Secure Team 10 asks his audience: "So, did you see it?" Mr Schneider recorded the footage near his house and sent it to the American based group of experts. They say they are "your source for the best in new UFO sighting videos, information on the government cover-up and alien activity caught on tape".  Read more >> Source:

Eerie footage captures floating bright UFO in sky above Las Vegas

Eerie footage captures floating bright UFO in sky above Las Vegas before appearing to 'land' Credit: Strange clip shows mysterious object clearly hovering in the sky above several houses for minutes before appearing to 'land' This intriguing footage clearly shows a bright orb like UFO hovering in the dusk sky over a residential area. The object is first seen high above a mountain, before slowly starting to descend down towards the ground below.   Read more >> Source: