UFOS GET CRAZY: 'Ten-mile mothership', 'angel by sun' and 'flying saucer obscured by cloud

Credit: www.express.co.uk


IF YOU thought UFO sightings could not get any more far fetched then think again. A rapidly growing number of recent reports of unidentified flying objects range from monster-sized UFOs lurking in our atmosphere to a planet sized alien creation sucking energy from the Sun.

First up is a "10-mile wide" UFO mothership gliding across the Earth’s atmosphere as seen from the International Space Station (ISS) livestream.
Never one to disappoint when it comes to challenging theories, Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily blog site released the footage to YouTube under the title "Ten-mile UFO seen moving across Earth from space station June 8, 2016".

Looking remarkably like a circular-shaped cloud, Mr Waring claims to be convinced it is actually a huge UFO hidden inside a cloud - a technique UFO buffs describe as cloaking.  Read more >>


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