
Showing posts with the label Prophecy

Court Summons issued to Pope Francis, Heads of Jesuits, Anglican

Formally charged with Crimes against Humanity, inciting Treason and abetting child trafficking, Pope Francis and the heads of the Jesuits and the Anglican Church have been issued a Public Summons. It compels them to appear before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels on March 31, 2014, to answer these charges and face prosecution. This broadcast constitutes their legal service and notification.   Read more >> Source:


Archaeologists digging in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus. A team of Spanish archaeologists has unearthed what one expert says could be one of the most ancient images of Jesus, painted on the walls of an underground structure in an Egyptian tomb. The Egyptologists from Catalonia made the discovery in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus, with the tombs said to date from the 6th and 7th centuries. Read more >> Source: World Net Daily

Hindu Weapons

                                                                    Agneyastra  -  A fire-weapon. This devastating weapon was given by Aurva to Sagara who used it to kill or vaporized all the enemies who had forced his father Sachi into exile.     Brahmastra -  is an astra, or celestial weapon created by Lord Brahma. It is sometimes known as the Brahma Astra (astra referring to 'missile weapon'). As described in a number of the Puranas, Brahmastra is considered to be the very deadliest of weapons. When a Brahmastra is discharged, neither a counterattack nor a defense of any kind can stop it. A self-guided missile with sophisticated artificial intelligence,  powerful  nonetheless classified as weapons of mass destruction, capable of destroying everyth...

The 112th Pope, the last pope before the end of days

Prophecy of St. Malachay / Francis the Doomsday Pope, the last pope before the end of days The Prophecy of the Popes (Latin: Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus) is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few antipopes), beginning with Pope Celestine II. The alleged prophecies were first published by Benedictine monk Arnold Wion in 1595. Wion attributes the prophecies to Saint Malachy, a 12th‑centuryArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland. There will be only 112 popes before the doomsday. By sitting on the seat number 111, the resigned Pope Benedict XVI was making his successor Francis I the last pope on earth. Doomsday fanatics claim that a 12th century prophecy states the successor to Benedict XVI will be the last pope before the end of the world. These are believers who interpret two medieval-era prophecies ...

15 years to come clean

It has taken me 15 years to come clean about these experiences..They are not to titilate or to frightened...they are being told for all those who had a close encounter..and have no voice.. if you want to make fun..Put down this book and go day when you are confronted with you own will suffer as I have and wish someone will listen.The following is my very first encounter with an  Alien . It was the summer of 1955, I had been grounded by my grandmother and not allowed to go out of the house. There was a stoop ball game going on downstairs that I was suppose to participate in but couldn’t. I decided to watch the game from my bedroom, and knelt down before the window with my elbows resting in the window sill. I became lost in the game in front of the house, my friends throwing the ball against the edge of the steps, hoping to send the ball high and flying so the players in the street and the sidewalk couldn’t catch it, three catches and you’re ...