
Showing posts with the label Marmora

Visit to Padre Pio

Visit to Padre Pio Click photo to watch the video

Fake Visionaries

click photo to watch the video Many of you are aware  I had a strange extraterrestrial experience in Canada.   I know that among good, orthodox, devout Catholics there are varying opinions on this place, so I want to let you in on my own thinking.  Whatever you decide, let us not allow any ill feelings grow about the sincere people  who have real experiences on the Marmora farm; we have too much in common with each other; things that we share with so few in today’s world! But, there is one visionary I must mention, this visionary leads some Catholic society that’s more of a cult, on the grounds of the Marmora farm in Canada. The visionary impersonates Saint Bernadette, claiming to see the Virgin Mary, announces prophecies that never happens, maybe she is seeing something as she speaks to the vacancy of air and in this kind of a setting seeing saints has its perks. There was this one perverted believer who had a crush on this ‘Saint’, but didn’t talk to her, instead gave her

Another True Believer

Another True Believer Click photo to watch the video

The Visionary?

The Visionary? Click photo to watch the video

Family And Friends of The Believer

Family And Friends of The Believers Click photo to watch the video

The True Believer

The True Believer Click photo to watch video Individuals and groups testify to having seen Our Lady, felt Her presence, received messages from Her, and experienced life transformation as a consequence of praying at the Greensides' Farm at Marmora. Sister Alice Johnson...They of course disagree with us and our belief that what they had been seeing was a UFO and the woman an Alien being from another world.

Horror Plane not Miracle of the Sun

Horror Plane not Miracle of the Sun click photo to watch movie This video is on the road of proving that 'All that glitters is not god. The followers of Dory Tan are convinced that she is seeing the Virgin Mary. 1999: Dory Tan , one of the visionaries associated with the Greensides' Farm in Marmora ON had been receiving public messages from the virgin Mary up to 1998-OCT-13 and private messages since. She says that the year 2000 is a "deadline" for Christian preparation. "On June 6th, 1998, Our Blessed Mother purportedly informed Mrs. Tan that: 'All of you who are sick and have problems and do not have faith, I will give you a chance. I wish all my children before the year 2000 to be prepared. I want you all to be with me and my Son Jesus, in His Kingdom in heaven.' " 1 On 1999-JAN-1, Ms. Tan received a message that "there are many events to occur before the end of 1999, and that She [the blessed virgin Mary] will tell us in advance of

UFO Miracle of The Sun

Click photo to watch the video After the shooting of ‘Alien’ so as to not roll into the Los Angeles trap I went straight from Wimbledon, England with my family and moved to Washington State. It was the second time the kids were England, their first trip was for Live and Let Die. Something told me to stay in England, but I wanted to come home to where my money would stretch a little further, bought a house and got ready to work in my next film with Bob Redford. “Brubaker” The shooting went well and I formed a new friendship with Redford, his Sundance blew my mind and I dreamed of creating a place like his mind boggling seven thousand acres…but after Brubaker...all hell broke loose…the actor’s strike almost put me in the same place I was in before Alien>>.Regrets and recriminations started to creep in I should have taken Irv Kershner’s offer to do “Empire Strikes Back.” Shoulda, woulda, coulda blues started to attack me, year after year...One day after a year’s chest thu

Miraculous UFO Sighting in Marmora

Yaphet Kotto writes about the owner of a farm in Canada where 30,000 have traveled in homage to true believers,  in his brand new novel ”I don’t want to be told I’m seeing things”  He asserts firmly that the miraculous “Miracle of the sun that occurred for 14 years and continue to take place was in fact a UFO sighting.. The farm, located in Marmora, Ontario, about 120 miles east of Toronto, has been the site of numerous claims since 1991, when phenomena erupted during a reunion of those who had journeyed to the famous apparition site of Medjugorje in former Yugoslavia. The farm was owned by John Greensides, who died several years back, and his wife, Shelagh, 80, who is in the process of turning the land over to Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Yaphet reports that the local diocese based in Kingston has refused to offer an official comment on the site, according to a diocesan spokesman, although a warning was issued from a bishop during the 1990s on the potent

Marmora UFO Sighting

Yaphet Kotto writes about the owner of a farm in Canada where 30,000 have traveled in homage to true believers,  in his brand new novel ”I don’t want to be told I’m seeing things”  He asserts firmly that the miraculous “Miracle of the sun that occurred for 14 years and continue to take place was in fact a UFO sighting.. The farm, located in Marmora, Ontario, about 120 miles east of Toronto, has been the site of numerous claims since 1991, when phenomena erupted during a reunion of those who had journeyed to the famous apparition site of Medjugorje in former Yugoslavia. The farm was owned by John Greensides, who died several years back, and his wife, Shelagh, 80, who is in the process of turning the land over to Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Yaphet reports that the local diocese based in Kingston has refused to offer an official comment on the site, according to a diocesan spokesman, although a warning was issued from a bishop during the 1990s on the potenti