Horror Plane not Miracle of the Sun

Horror Plane not Miracle of the Sun
 Horror Plane not Miracle of the Sun
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This video is on the road of proving that 'All that glitters is not god. The followers of Dory Tan are convinced that she is seeing the Virgin Mary.

1999:Dory Tan, one of the visionaries associated with the Greensides' Farm in Marmora ON had been receiving public messages from the virgin Mary up to 1998-OCT-13 and private messages since. She says that the year 2000 is a "deadline" for Christian preparation. "On June 6th, 1998, Our Blessed Mother purportedly informed Mrs. Tan that: 'All of you who are sick and have problems and do not have faith, I will give you a chance. I wish all my children before the year 2000 to be prepared. I want you all to be with me and my Son Jesus, in His Kingdom in heaven.' " 1 On 1999-JAN-1, Ms. Tan received a message that "there are many events to occur before the end of 1999, and that She [the blessed virgin Mary] will tell us in advance of them happening. She says that what is happening in Kosovo currently, is nothing compared to what is coming." None of Dory Tan's announcements have ever come true, when she saw the sun spinning, she and all of them saw the Horror Plane and tried to attribute the phenomenon to God,

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