15 years to come clean

It has taken me 15 years to come clean about these experiences..They are not to titilate or to frightened...they are being told for all those who had a close encounter..and have no voice.. if you want to make fun..Put down this book and go elsewhere...one day when you are confronted with you own experience...you will suffer as I have and wish someone will listen.The following is my very first encounter with an Alien. It was the summer of 1955, I had been grounded by my grandmother and not allowed to go out of the house. There was a stoop ball game going on downstairs that I was suppose to participate in but couldn’t. I decided to watch the game from my bedroom, and knelt down before the window with my elbows resting in the window sill. I became lost in the game in front of the house, my friends throwing the ball against the edge of the steps, hoping to send the ball high and flying so the players in the street and the sidewalk couldn’t catch it, three catches and you’re out..Then it would be someone else’s turn..I was now enjoying the game as if I were in fact playing it. I decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink and return to the window. I started to get up, twisting my body around to stand and…OH MY GOD! There it was to the rear of me! It was trying to leap back! Trying to duck out of the room! Trying desperately to hide as if it hadn’t expected me to turn around, It hadn’t expected me to look back! It hadn’t expected me to catch it.
But I did.
I caught it.
I saw it.
I will never forget that it was trying to run, trying to hide. It was human, but not human. Its head was round, its eyes were almost oval looking in appearance, the clothes was one piece, gray in color, no zipper, belt or buttons, it seemed to be all male, but its head was larger in proportion to its body than ours. What followed was the usual reaction from my grandparents, ‘It was the Devil” Saint Anthony of parish priest had me go to confession, I did...another round of visits to the doctor, finally a faith healer told me it was a spirit, gave me something to walk on in my shoe and anointed me with some kind of oil she had brought from Panama…What it boiled down to was another event on the long lists of events that caused a adolescent to sleep with the lights on until he was twenty five. Please, don’t tell me about the bible and God, I was bar mitzvah’s a Jew...I am a Jew...my West Indian grandparents were Catholics, I was sent to catholic schools…There’s nothing we didn’t do in terms of prayer from Torah to Bible we ALL prayed to God…some have said I should turn to God if I want to know the mysteries of the Universe! What are we Jews? Atheist?  Do you know what it is to come up as an as an orthodox Jew? These experiences have nothing to do with God our Father! Please, let’s not insult the father that these five senses cannot comprehend except by faith. These things have to do with another civilization that God also created here, testing us, playing hide and seek with us and one day, they will confront you as they have confronted me from day one…when that day comes and you meet them and you’ve wet your pants…call me…I will pray to God for you as others have prayed to God for me..to accept the ET’s if we hope to be accepted without fear or violence...


While filming the sci-fi adventure ‘Alien’ in England, thinking about the face hugger that kept John Hurt, breathless while the Alien laid its egg in him. I read a comprehensive history of India for the nineteenth century, an account will be found of the feat of Sadhu Haridas, who permitted himself to be buried alive underground for forty days, in 1837, in order to demonstrate his powers over the life forces of the body.
The idea about oxygen came to me while I saw John Hurt being outfitted for the face hugger.

This feat took place at the court of the Maharaja of the Punjab, Ranjeet Singh, at Lahore, India. Haridas allowed himself to be interred in the presence of the Maharaja, his whole court, and a number of French and English doctors who were present for the occasion.

The Sadhu placed himself in a sitting posture, and was the
covered over and sewn up in cere-cloth,  somewhat after the manner of an Egyptian mummy. He was then placed inside a large wooden case, which was strongly riveted down, and the Maharaja’s own seal was put upon several parts. The case was then lowered down into a brick vault, previously made for the purpose. Earth was then piled upon the case, after the manner of an ordinary grave. Corn was then sown in the earth, which sprang up during the period of Sadhu’s interment. A procedure it is said to be practiced by Chinese faith healers to discover the rise of the Chiang Shi Vampire.

An entire battalion was placed in charge, four sentries mounting guard over it by day, and eight by night.. At the expiration of forty days, the Sadhu was disinterred in the presence of the Maharaja, his court, and the French and English doctors who had been previously present at his interment. The following account, which appeared in "The Word" for May, 1911, is given by an English eye-witness from his own experience and observation at the time of the disinterment.

"On the approach of the appointed time, and according to invitation, I accompanied Runjeet Singh to the spot where the Fakir had been buried. It was in a square building called a barra-durra in the middle of one of the gardens adjoining the palace at Lahore, with an open veranda all around, having an enclosed room in the center. On arriving there, Runjeet Singh, who was attended by the whole of his court, dismounting from his elephant, asked me to join him in examining the building to satisfy himself that it was closed as he had left it. We did so; there had been a door on each of the four sides of the room, three of which were perfectly closed with brick and mortar, the fourth had a strong door, which was also closed up with mud up to the padlock, which was sealed with the private seal of Runjeet Singh in his own presence when the Fakir was interred. Indeed, the exterior of the building presented no aperture by which air could be admitted, nor any communication held, by which food could be conveyed to the Fakir. The walls also closing the doorway bore no mark whatever of having been recently disturbed or removed.

"Runjeet Singh recognized the seal as the one which he had affixed, and as he was as skeptical as any European could be of the success of such an enterprise, to guard as far as possible against any collusion, he had placed two companies from his own personal escort near the building, from which four sentries were furnished and relieved every two hours, night and day, to guard the building from intrusion. At the same time, he ordered one of the principal officers of his court to visit the place occasionally and to report the result of his inspection to him, while he himself or his minister kept the seal which closed the hole of the padlock and the latter received the report, morning and evening, from the officer on guard.

The Faqirs were wandering Dervishes teaching Islam and living on alms.

"After our examination we seated ourselves in the veranda opposite the door, while some of Runjeet Singh’s people dug away the mud wall, and one of his officers broke the seal and opened the padlock. When the door was thrown open, nothing but a dark room was to be seen. Runjeet Singh and myself then entered it, in company with the servant of the Fakir; and, a light being brought, we descended about three feet below the floor of the room into a sort of cell, where a wooden box, about four feel long by three feet broad, with a sloping roof, containing the Fakir, was placed upright, the door of which has also a padlock and seal similar to that on the outside. On opening it, we saw a figure enclosed in a bag of white linen, fastened by a string over the head—on the exposure of which a grand salute was fired and the surrounding multitude came crowding to the door to see the spectacle. After they had gratified their curiosity, the Fakir’s servant, putting his arms into the box, took the figure out, and closing the door, placed it with its back against it, exactly as the Fakir had been squatted (like a Hindu idol) in the box itself.

"Runjeet Singh and myself then descended into the cell, which was so small that we were only able to sit on the ground in front of the body, and so close to it as to touch it with our hands and knees.
"The servant then began pouring warm water over the figure; but as my object was to see if any fraudulent practices could be detected, I proposed to Runjeet Singh to tear open the bag and have a perfect view of the body before any means of resuscitation were employed. I accordingly did so, and may here remark that the bag when first seen by us looked mildewed, as if it had been buried some time. The legs and arms of the body were shriveled and stiff, the face full, the head reclining on the shoulder like that of a corpse. I then called to the medical gentleman who was attending me to come down and inspect the body, which he did, but could discover no pulsation of the heart, the temples or the arm. There was, however, a heat about the region of the brain, which no other part of the body exhibited.

The expression of fakir can also be used pejoratively, to refer to a common street beggar who chants holy names, scriptures or verses.

"The servant then recommended bathing him in hot water, and gradually relaxing his arms and legs from the rigid state in which they were contracted. Runjeet Singh taking his right and I his left leg, to aid by friction in restoring them to proper action; during which time the servant placed a hot wheaten cake, about an inch thick on the top of the head,—a process which he twice or thrice renewed. He then pulled out of his nostrils and ears the wax and cotton with which they were stopped; and after great exertion opened his mouth by inserting the point of a knife between his teeth, and while holding the jaws open with his left hand, drew the tongue forward with his right,—in the course of which the tongue flew back several times to its curved position upward, in which it had originally been, so as to close the gullet.

"He then rubbed his eyelids with ghee (or clarified butter) for some seconds, until he succeeded in opening them, when the eyes appeared quite motionless and glazed. After the hot cakes had been applied for the third time to the top of his head, the body was violently convulsed, the nostrils became inflated, respiration ensued and the limbs began to assume a natural fullness; but the pulsation was still faintly perceptible. The servant then put some of the ghee on his tongue, and made him swallow it. A few minutes afterwards the eyeballs became dilated, and recovering their natural color, when the Fakir, recognizing Runjeet Singh sitting close to him, articulated, in a low sepulchral tone, scarcely audible, ‘Do you believe me now?’ Runjeet Singh replied in the affirmative, and invested the Fakir with a pearl necklace and superb pair of gold bracelets, and pieces of silk and muslin and forming what is termed a Khelat, such as is usually conferred by the Princes of India on persons of distinction.

"From the time of the box being opened to the recovery of the voice, not more than half an hour could have elapsed; and in another half hour, the Fakir talked with myself and those about him freely, though feebly, like a sick person. Then we left him, convinced that there had been no fraud or collusion in the exhibition we had witnessed.

"I share entirely in the apparent incredulity of the fact of a man’s being buried alive and surviving the trial for various periods of duration; but, however incompatible without knowledge of physiology, in the absence of any visible proof to the contrary, I was bound to declare my belief in the facts which I have represented, however impossible their existence may appear to others."
But as Yaphet Kotto said about Yogi’s in an interview after United Artists’  Shark's Treasure, an underwater adventure. "it's because of the Yogi's of India why Alan Bodner was inspired to invent his underwater miracle that can keep a human being breathing underwater  for indeterminate hours."body. (read more)

The Nephilim's Bitch

A philosophical anthology called ‘Fixed Stars’ contains brief excerpts from the world's great teachers and scriptures. The title is taken from Schopenhauer, who compared great authors to "fixed stars unchangeable, possess their own light and work for all time." A few of the well-chosen quotations follow:

"No man has come to true greatness who has not felt in some degree that his life belongs to his race, and that what God gives him, He gives him for mankind." -Phillips Brooks.
"I would give nothing for that man's religion whose very dog and cat are not the better for it."-Rowland Hill.
"It is only a narrow-minded man that makes such distinctions as 'This is our friend; this is our enemy A liberal-minded man showeth affection for all."-Precious Treasury (Tibetan).

"According to the purpose a man has in this world, thus does he become on departing hence. So, let him form for himself a purpose."-Vedas.
"My motto: I don't want anything."-Anton Cbekhov.

"Those who are constant are sought after by men, and assisted by God."-Tao.
"This path is difficult, secret and beset with terror. The ancients called it ecstasy or absence-a getting out of their bodies to think." -R. W. Emerson.

"Where there is only a show of religion there is only an imagination of happiness."-BenjaminWhichcote.

"The Law is tranquillity amidst disturbance, and disturbance leads to its perfection."-Chuang Tsu.

"There should be no compulsion in religion."-Islam Proverb.

"If a man loves others, and no responsive attachment is shown to him, let him turn inward, and examine his own benevolence."Confucius.

Now here is Yaphet Kotto and what is said of his film and stage work speaks for itself. “Actor Yaphet Kotto has been recognized as the master of his craft. Pauline Kael of the New Yorker called his acting quietly beautiful.” (The Village Voice) contributor referred to as him as that solid, great actor” andDonald Bogle, author of Blacks in American Film and Television wrote that his characterizations had an “unerring” solid decency and : a fair-minded intelligence that makes him heroic.” And now the reviews are saying the same thing about his book. ”The God of Heavenly Discourse is often at a loss to understand the reasoning of the contradictory creatures who inhabit "Jesus' earth." Ingersoll, Mark Twain, Thomas Paine, Voltaire and many others try to explain illegitimacy, false modesty, religious fanatics (each sure he speaks for God), the persecution of pacifists (who are only following Jesus' teachings), what is and what is not "moral" according to censors, and above all-why men have not yet learned that force and prohibition are contrary to evolution. I am more than pleased with the Nephilim’s Bitch, I think it is unique and I am looking forward to the follow up with growing interest. -Mrs. N. P. R.


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