Phoenix Sky Harbor employee reports UFO sighting

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What is that thing?! Phoenix Sky Harbor employee reports UFO sighting

PHOENIX — A Phoenix Sky Harbor employee said he spotted an unidentified flying object flying low above the airport while he was working in March.
According to the testimony in Case 75640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database, the massive object flew less than 500 feet overhead.

The witness reported watching a chevron-shaped UFO fly northwest over the airport while he was “disposing of trash” at about 9 p.m. on March 1.

“The lights were what I noticed at first,” the witness said in the report. “They were white and formed a chevron shape that allowed me to notice the shape of the object. It was very large as it passed beside me. I was near the tower, so I knew it was high, but not too high as for me not to get an idea how large this object was.”

The witness said he did not feel afraid. He submitted a sketch with the report to MUFON.  Read more  >>


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