Suffering police brutality in US


Member of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression Joe Iosbaker says the black people in the United States are still suffering police brutality while the country’s president is an African-American.

“Even though an African-American has been elected president and there is a black Attorney General [Eric Holder], the law, the police, the courts, they’re not about justice,” Iosbaker, a Leader of the United National Antiwar Coalition, told Press TV on Wednesday.

“The government is there to protect the richest class in our society and the state enforces the oppression of African-Americans,” he added.

American protesters are still in the streets in Ferguson, demanding justice for an unarmed black teen killed by a white policeman and an end to racial discrimination.

Police officers clashed with protesters since the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9.  Read more  >>



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