1. Police are killing more people every year
2. Unlawful harassment is becoming the norm
3. Even children are seen as criminals
4. Stop and searches are becoming more common and more invasive
5. New York City’s “Stop and Frisk” program is racial profiling
6. Non-criminals are being arrested for ridiculous things
7. You can face jail time for not paying rent
8. The NSA is listening to everything and achieving nothing
9. More people are being sentenced to life in prison without parole for nonviolent offenses
10. Police officers don’t face the same punishment as civilians
11. America’s incarceration rate is the highest in the world
12. Peaceful protests are being met with violence
13. The Government is hunting down a national hero
14. The FBI can watch you whenever, for no reason at all
When you get your paycheck, a chunk is taken out to support programs like these. Policies and technologies that are supposed to protect citizens, which are actually more dangerous than the “security threats” that they’re designed to stop. Right now, our own government is holding us hostage in subtle ways. This is how it starts. We have seen how police states violently ends through history, so let us not get to that point. Know your rights, and refuse to be taken advantage of.
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