Aliens on the mind: Roswell and the UFO phenomenon

New Mexico commemorates the anniversary of a supposed alien spacecraft crash in 1947 and an alleged government cover-up.

Sceptics, believers and the simply curious gather in New Mexico to commemorate the anniversary of a supposed alien spacecraft crash [Gabriela Campos/Al Jazeera]

By Samuel Gilbert

Roswell, New Mexico - Each summer, thousands of people descend upon the town of Roswell, New Mexico, for the annual UFO Festival, an event commemorating the anniversary of a supposed alien spacecraft crash and government cover-up that occurred nearby in the summer of 1947.

For four days and nights, this otherwise sleepy, conservative town in southeastern New Mexico is transformed into a carnivalesque scene of food carts, costume contests, light shows and booths brimming with extraterrestrial-themed collectables.

This year, a 20ft blow-up alien presided over the festivities on Main Street as a steady procession of visitors, some dressed in alien-themed garb, made their way towards Saturday's costume contest at a nearby auditorium.  Read more >>


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