South Korea ferry disaster: Captain and crew committed 'unforgivable, murderous acts' says President Park Geun-hye

Credit: The Independent

South Korea ferry disaster: Captain and crew committed 'unforgivable, murderous acts' says President Park Geun-hye

South Korean President Park Geun-hye has condemned the captain and some crew members of the sunken Sewol ferry, saying they committed “unforgivable, murderous acts” by delaying the ship’s evacuation.

During a cabinet briefing on Monday, Park accused captain Lee Joon-seok and his crew of telling “passengers to stay put but they themselves became the first to escape, after deserting the passengers."

"Legally and ethically this is an unimaginable act,” she said.

As the ship carrying 476 people sank on Wednesday, Lee told passengers to stay in their cabins, and waited more than half an hour to issue an evacuation order - by which point the ship had tilted. Around 240 people missing people are still believed to be trapped inside.  Read More >>

Source: The Independent


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