Over 50 UFO Sightings Reported After Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Near Phuket Thailand

Credit: kpopstarz

Over 50 UFO Sightings Reported After Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Near Phuket Thailand [VIDEO]: Pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah Deleted Files Raise Suspicions

By Staff Writer | March 19, 2014 01:45 PM EDT
As the mystery surrounding Malaysia AirlinesFlight370 continues, a growing interest in UFO sightings has risen.

According to Before It's News, there have been claims of UFO sightings before the Flight 370 disappeared, and since the disappearance, over 50 UFO sightings have been claimed by eyewitnesses.

Alexandra Bruce at ForbiddenKnowledgeTV claims that records on theflight mapping website Flightradar24 shows evidence of possible UFO influence in the Malaysia Airlines disappearance.

You can check the video below which reportedly shows evidence of UFO presence near the flight.

However, other sources claim the alleged UFO to be Korean Airlines Flight 672, and its apparent supersonic speed is likely a glitch in the system.

“[Some] receivers do not provide the same data quality, so sometimes parts of the data can be corrupt [and] generate errors like the one you see on the video,” says Flightradar24 CEO Mikael Robertsson.

“For example if Longitude received is 120 instead of 110, that would generate such error.”

Nevertheless, the interest in UFO sightings has grown tremendously as the whereabouts of the plane remains a mystery, along with its 239 passengers.

Source: KpopStarz


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