Dead Judges Don't Lie


Dead Judges Don't Lie: Canada's Biggest Scandal

There are nine dead judges connected to the Canadian water exports scandal - Canada's Biggest Scandal.


Each of them committed crimes on the bench as part of the Canadian government strategy to destroy the whistle blower lawyer and the lady who was assisting him and each of them died after the lawyer and the lady turned the tables on them and started to publish their crimes.

They started dying in January, 2006, and the latest died in January, 2010. Some dropped dead, suddenly, after their crimes were exposed, and others developed illnesses and died a few months later.

The judges and their dates of death are: James Taylor, deceased, January 10, 2006; Sid Clark, sometime in 2007; Robert Edwards, November 5, 2007; Justice Antonio Lamer, November 24, 2007, Allan McEachern, January 5, 2008, Ralph Hutchinson, March 20, 2008, Hugh Stansfield May 7, 2009 David Vickers November 15, 2009 and John Bouck, January 18, 2010. .

In addition, two water export insiders, former British Columbia Deputy Minister, Jack Ebbels, dropped dead February 25, 2010, and former British Columbia Cabinet Minister Stan Hagen dropped dead January 20, 2009.  read more >>


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