UFO discovered in medieval wall painting hanging in Transylvanian church

UFO discovered in medieval wall painting hanging in Transylvanian church could be first human depiction of alien life

The UFO-like object depicted in a wall painting in a medieval Romanian church (Credit mirror.co.uk)

Does this Romanian church's medieval wall painting depict a UFO-style flying saucer?

Tourists visiting the church in Medieval Citadel in Sighisoara, Transylvania have been left puzzled by the strange object in the roughly 400-year-old work of art.
The painting, which adorns the wall of the 13th century monetary, first appeared in the 17th century after the place of worship burnt down.

However, Nicolae Tescula, manager of the history museum Sighisoara, thinks the bizarre unidentified object could just be the artist's representation of heaven. Read more >>

Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ufo-discovered-medieval-wall-painting-7985278


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