Aliens are controlling the SUN?

'Aliens are controlling the SUN': UFO hunters say they have spotted strange ships near the solar surface in latest bizarre claim


The sun's light and heat keeps our planet alive and a Martian researcher believes UFOs are actually controlling how much is released to Earth.

A YouTuber and 'UFOlogist’ has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in images sent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory.

And this might not be their first trip around the sun, as Russian scientists have claimed to have seen the same event ‘six to seven’ years ago.

‘People should know the truth that hides Nasa,’ Myunhauzen writes underneath the video on his YouTube channel

The video was released to the public yesterday and shows images with strange green lit objects floating around the bright glowing ball of gas.

‘I heard in a news story about 6-7 years back about two Russian scientists that discovered that there were numerous UFOs around the sun at the same time, 24 hours a day, every day,’ reports Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily on his website.

‘They stated the UFOs would increase and decrease their speed suddenly for no reason and they would make sudden hard right 90 degree turns without slowing down’.  (Read more >>)


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