Bone and claw are found on Mars

Credit: "bone" (inset left) and "Claw" laid over Mars
UFO investigators are claiming 2016 will shine new light on allegations Mars has hosted intelligent life amid claims a mammal-like bone and an alien claw have been seen on the surface of the Red Planet. 

Separate videos posted to YouTube by Martian investigators have laid claim to the discovery of proof of alien life in images taken by NASA's Curiosity Rover - a space probe currently exploring the surface of the Red Planet.

YouTube channel Martian Archaeology is claiming the credit for the bone-like object, which could realistically also be an odd-shaped rock.

But Scott C Waring, who promoted the video on website UFO Sightings Daily, is convinced it is the bone of a once-living being.

Martian Archaeology YouTube channel believes this is a bone on Mars



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