Montana man claims he has proof that UFOs are real

                                                                                                    DR. RICHARD O'CONNOR/JAML.ORG

Montana man claims he has proof that UFOs are real in two photographs captured by powerful cameras

The truth is out there.

A Montana man claims to have positive proof of alien life after capturing images of two UFOs on camera.
Dr. Richard O’Connor’s images of two unidentified flying objects were snapped on Nov. 4 with two powerful motion capture cameras he keeps pointed at the sky.
The five photos show two smooth, cylindrical objects that appear to be moving through the sky at high speed.

“Basically what you see is a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have his own light source,” O’Connor told Detroit Free Press.

“In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say ‘Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.’” Read more >>


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