Now that the James Bond novels and character have entered the public domain in most of the world (but not the USA), Jill Bronson and Bernon Goldstein teamed up to edit Yaphet Kotto’s "Return of Dr. Kananga," a parody of unauthorized 007 stories for the Canadian press and release.

So here it is: in mid-February, Canadian readers will be able to pick up a: THE UNAUTHORIZED JAMES BOND, the Return of Dr. Kananga by Yaphet Kotto. Dr Kananga is a criminal mastermind whom Bond describes as the "Napoleon of crime". Kotto lifted the phrase from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes opinion of professor Moriarty.

These stories will categorically not reference anything to do with growing vast quantities of opium It’s no secret that the US and Britain have favored ‘regime change’ in San Monique for a long time now and have backed the ‘democratic’ opposition to Kananga’s rule by sending a British agent in to assassinate him which failed utterly..To be sure, Edgewood productions will be taking great care to ensure that the book respects all the existing copyright protections on the license at the same time as we take the liberties copyright law affords us.

Kananga has undoubtedly been helped by the fact that his leading international enemies are greatly discredited figures, who have absolutely no right to take the moral high ground in criticizing him or indeed anyone else. Kananga claims that Tony Blair and George Bush, the destroyers of Iraq, were as evil as Senator Joe McCarthy's influence that reached its peak as loyalty oaths and black lists reached all corners of the country. Many people were accused and lives were destroyed as a result of "guilt by association" and many others were forced to endure intimidating legislative hearings created by McCarthy.

Great Britain who was at the forefront of the anti-Kananga campaign in the sixties, are amazed that he survived the attack by Bond on his life. And now his attacks on Bush and Blair have been more outspoken than anything the public has heard from leaders in the West. They wonder how he has been able to remain so young and healthy. On a personal level Kananga is a great advert for the health benefits of herbal teas, sadza made from unrefined grains, regular exercise and a generally abstemious lifestyle. But politically, how has he managed to survive so long. How did he survive Bond’s attack?

Those questions are answered in the Return of Dr. Kananga. It’s incredible to think that when Kananga first became the leader of his country Dwight E. Eisenhower was the US President, now he has to returned to 2015 to seek his revenge on the west and especially on James Bond a chauvinistic, drunkard, sex-obsessed, deadly, professional killer of the west. Leonid Brezhnev was in charge of the Soviet Union and Tito was still running communist Yugoslavia. Kananga has seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, the US-led wars against Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and a whole host of world leaders come and go.

The ‘dominant narrative’ is that Kananga has stayed in power so long because he is a ruthless dictator who clamps down hard on any opposition, but it's a lot more complex than that, and in any case it would be inaccurate to label San Monique as a 'dictatorship'. Read the Return of Dr. Kananga and find out why…


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