EXCLUSIVE: Alien’s Yaphet Kotto on playing Parker, passing up Star Wars, and Running Man’s silver jumpsuit.

EXCLUSIVE: Alien’s Yaphet Kotto on playing Parker, passing up Star Wars, and Running Man’s silver jumpsuit.
by: Jeff Spry

Blessed with a refined bravado and a sly smile, acclaimed stage and screen actor Yaphet Kotto could charm a snarling xenomorph out of its deadly nest.  Still an imposing presence at 75, he's starred in a wealth of classic movies, such as Live and Let Die, Alien, The Running Man and Midnight Run, appearing in more than 70 films and TV series in a vibrant career spanning five decades.

Blastr visited with the jovial and sometimes bitter Kotto at last month's Wizard World Portland Comic-Con, where he regaled us with a candid exploration of his life as an accomplished Hollywood actor.  Read more >>  


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