"What kind of game is this?"

Ebola – Biosecurity Level 4 safety procedures now breached in Spain from TheUnhivedMind on Vimeo.

Take a look at the videos and pictures below and be amazed yet again at the outright breach of safety regulations against a bio-security level 4 hazardous infectious disease. The first thing you should notice is that two of the Spanish Air Force crew had no safety protective gear on at all and helped opened the aircraft doors.

Next we see a crew wearing cheap looking non-BSL4 protective orange suits with neck protection undone. Notice how these crewmen in orange have facial skin exposure between their basic medical face mask (useless dust mask type) and their foreheads. One of the men who looks of some authority even has his suit unzipped quite the way down and also he does not wear his hood and thus exposes his full head and hair.  Next he ends up removing his right glove and exposing his hand flesh to the air. These gloves should be doubled up using two colors in order to make sure if one tears you can then see the other color so you know a tear has taken place.

Now watch in amazement how this orange crew hand over the Ebola victims to another team dressed in a more professional looking white suit but wearing full face respirator masks not just basic dust type masks like the orange crew are wearing.

Notice the white suits have taped up trouser bottoms and they are all wearing boots except one. When Dr Kent Brantly was bought back to the U.S. not one of the bio-security crew members were wearing any shoes to protect their suits from tearing on the ground and then they walked on potentially dangerous stones. Now please tell me why this the original orange crew can wear virtually nothing but the next white crew are wearing gear which looked a bit more like what you would expect? Are we to believe the original orange crew will not be back at their homes amongst their children and society whilst the white dressed people will be? Did you notice there were three Ebola victims not just the one? Why isn’t there a bio-security level 4 containment tunnel from the aircraft to the ambulances?  This once again mirrors the breaches in the United States! Why do they have to use ambulances which will travel amongst the streets of Spain? Would it not be far safer to use a helicopter if they really have to bring these victims back to western mainlands?  Read more  >>


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