UFO Sightings Over Wittenberge, Germany

UFO Sightings: 3 UFOs Captured with Zoom and Night Vision Over Wittenberge, Germany [VIDEO]
By Jenalyn Villamarin | September 30, 2013 4:17 PM EST

Three UFOs were captured last September 18, Wednesday, over Wittenberge, Germany with the use of a camera's zoom and night vision features. UFOFilesTV shared the video online with the person who videotaped the UFO sighting remaining anonymous.

UFO sightings over Wittenberge, Germany. Photo Credit: YouTube

TheSOP report describes the UFOFilesTV as the "new kind of UFO agency on YouTube." The UFOFilesTV goal is "to upload real UFO sightings because with today's modern Computer technology, you can fake many things."

The shared UFO video shows three unidentified flying objects, two were triangular-shaped while the third one appears to be circular. As the UFOs move close to each other, the triangular-shaped objects can be seen individually rotating until the two resisted each other when they came close comparable to a magnet's opposite sides.

Before the video ends, it showed how the triangular-shaped object took off at an unbelievable speed. The shared video had no reference points like trees, hills or buildings which made former FBI Special Agent Ben Hansen comment in an email to the Huffington Post that the UFOs were "too defined."

"Although the latest night vision technology is very good, when we film in near total darkness, the most intensely lit objects typically give off a slight 'halo' or 'blooming' effect. The video has signs of night vision fakery. It looks like they added a night vision video effect with a green tint and even some 'grainy noise' -- the sparkling pixels which are common when night vision is shot in near complete darkness," Mr Hansen, lead investigator of Syfy Channels' "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" series, stated.

The former FBI Agent further added that he was expecting to see a brighter sky even if the video recording used the older night vision technology to have more information in analyzing Germany's UFO sighting. "Perhaps the trickiest aspect about the proliferation of alleged UFO evidence online is that many of them choose to remain anonymous," Mr Hansen declared.

He further explained: "Not only are they nameless 'witnesses', but the videos get reposted by so many users that it's sometimes impossible to determine the identity of the original videographer. This often makes the Internet a hoaxer's amusement park. They don't have to answer questions. They don't have to provide further details."

Source: au.ibtimes.com

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