
Ancient electricity

Dendera light The Egyptians had some form of understanding electric phenomena from observing lightning and interacting with electric fish (such as the Malapterurus electricus) or other animals (such as electric eels). The comment about lightning appears to come from a misunderstanding of a text referring to "high poles covered with copper plates" to argue this but Dr. Bolko Stern has written in detail explaining why the copper covered tops of poles (which were lower than the associated pylons) do not relate to electricity or lightning, pointing out that no evidence of anything used to manipulate electricity had been found in Egypt and that this was a magical and not a technical installation. The single representation of the image, called the " Dendera light " by some alternative suggestions, exists on the left wall of the right wing in one of the crypts of the Hathor temple.  Those exploring fringe theories of...

History of Robots and Planes

The  history of robots  has its roots as far back as ancient myths and legends. Modern concepts were begun to be developed when the Industrial Revolution allowed the use of more complex mechanics and the subsequent introduction of electricity made it possible to power machines with small compact motors. After the 1920s the modern formulation of a humanoid machine was developed to the stage where it was possible to envisage human sized robots with the capacity for near human thoughts and movements, first envisaged millennia before. The first uses of modern robots were in factories as industrial robots – simple fixed machines capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed production without the need for human assistance. Digitally controlled industrial robots and robots making use of artificial intelligence have been built since the 1960s. Chinese accounts relate a history of automata back to the 10th century BC when Yan Shi is credited with makin...

Bigfoot and UFOs

Bigfoot and UFOs: The connection - Interview with Stan Gordon By: Jeffery Pritchett Bigfoot and a UFO This will be my second time interviewing Stan Gordon, the first being at  The Church Of Mabus  radio show that can be found here for your listening pleasure. Though Stan touches on the UFO Sasquatch connection, he also even more so touches on Sasquatch itself. He is a researcher which I prefer over a hunter any day. I find him to be one of the most genuine people in the field that I have ever met and had the pleasure of speaking with. I also feel that he offers great insight and open mindedness to the UFO Sasquatch connection. I feel this is important because there are many in the field who are not courageous enough to do so. When the parallel is so strongly there with eye witness accounts and people also who are lately claiming contact with the Sasquatch. I will be bringing more interviews revolving around these communications in the future. Now I ...

15 years to come clean

It has taken me 15 years to come clean about these experiences..They are not to titilate or to frightened...they are being told for all those who had a close encounter..and have no voice.. if you want to make fun..Put down this book and go day when you are confronted with you own will suffer as I have and wish someone will listen.The following is my very first encounter with an  Alien . It was the summer of 1955, I had been grounded by my grandmother and not allowed to go out of the house. There was a stoop ball game going on downstairs that I was suppose to participate in but couldn’t. I decided to watch the game from my bedroom, and knelt down before the window with my elbows resting in the window sill. I became lost in the game in front of the house, my friends throwing the ball against the edge of the steps, hoping to send the ball high and flying so the players in the street and the sidewalk couldn’t catch it, three catches and you’re ...

The UFO sightings in Lubbock

The sightings in Lubbock The first publicized sighting of the lights occurred on August 25, 1951, at around 9 pm. Three professors from Texas Technological College (now Texas Tech University), located in Lubbock, were sitting in the backyard of one of the professor's homes when they observed the "lights" fly overhead. A total of 20-30 lights, as bright as stars but larger in size, flew over the yard in a matter of seconds. The professors immediately ruled out meteors as a possible cause for the sightings, and as they discussed their sighting a second, similar, group of lights flew overhead. The three professors - Dr. A.G. Oberg, chemical engineer, Dr. W.L. Ducker, a department head and petroleum engineer, and Dr. W.I. Robinson, a geologist - reported their sighting to the local newspaper, the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. Following the newspaper's article, three women in Lubbock reported that they had observed "peculiar flashing lights" in the sky ...