Triangle UFO photographed low over Virginia

Witness photo. (Credit: MUFON) by: Roger Marsh A Virginia witness at Charlottesville reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO that briefly hovered and moved away at a fairly low altitude, according to testimony in Case 76512 from the Mutual UFO Network ( MUFON ) witness reporting database. The witness and her husband were driving home along Barracks Road when her husband pointed out an object in the sky saying, “That is not a regular airplane,” about 9 p.m. on May 21, 2016. “I looked out the window and stopped in the road when I saw it was hovering almost slightly above us,” the witness stated.“Distance cannot be determined – maybe 2,500 feet above.” The witness described the object. “It had several bright, white lights, some flashing, others remained constant. Intuitively, we sensed that it sensed us and perhaps saw us stop our car in the middle of road, to which it then hovered for at least 10 seconds. Then it continued on a low alt...