An Alien Spaceship on the Moon
Here's a story that has been going around the web since
about 2007. It's pretty amazing and I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't
received more attention. I think many editors thought it was too far fetched to
be true.
To be honest, we thought it was a hoax until one of the
staff here at viewzone decided to procure the film strips from
the NASA site, noticed that there were two images of the object available
(taken from different angles) and made a 3D composite image. The results are at
the bottom of this page. While we are not confident about the accompanying
video and images of the "alien entity" (the female body), we are surprised
that the 3D images do show an actual object on the Moon's surface.
If you have the old red-blue 3D glasses you can see the
spaceship pretty clearly. There's not much doubt that it's a spaceship --
either that or a submarine -- but we'll leave that up to our readers to decide.
Background Story
The story comes to us from a man who claims he was on a
special NASA mission:
William Rutledge is retired and now lives in Africa. He recently came out to reveal some amazing facts about his involvement with NASA in the late 70s. Rutledge claims to have worked on at least two missions to the Moon, including the failed Apollo 19, and the Apollo 20, which he says was launched in August of 1976 from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Both of these missions, according to Rutledge, were "classified joint Space missions" resulting from collaborations between U.S. and Soviet governments. They do not appear on any roster of NASA missions -- and, if this is true -- for good reasons.
The purpose of these missions was to investigate a large object on the far side of the moon in the Delporte-Izsak region, allegedly discovered and photographed during the Apollo 15 mission. The object, which vaguely resembled an "X-Wing" fighter as seen in the Star Wars films, was supposed to have been a very large alien spacecraft which had crashed or was otherwise abandoned on the Moon in ancient times.
How big is the ship? Thanks to website we have a graphic to dmeonstrate. When we say "huge" we really need another word because it doesn't come close to describe this space ship. I will let the picture do the talking!
Images, and even videos of this alleged craft have appeared
on the web, and have been popularized by researchers like Richard C. Hoagland
over the last several years.
Rutledge claims that they (with Soviet Cosmonaut, Lexei
Leonov) landed a Lunar Module (Russian made) near the alien ship and actually
entered it. Certain atrifacts were discovered and recovered, including two
bodies alleged to be the "pilots" -- one was in excellent condition
and appeared to be female. A second body was too deteriorated to recover and
just the head was retrieved. The female has been dubed, "Mona Lisa."
"We went inside the big spaceship, also into a triangular one. The major parts of the exploration was; it was a mother ship, very old, who crossed the universe at least milliard of years ago (1.5 estimated). There were many signs of biology inside, old remains of a vegetation in a "motor" section, special triangular rocks who emitted "tears" of a yellow liquid which has some special medical properties, and of course signs of extra solar creatures. We found remains of little bodies (10cm) living in a network of glass tubes all along the ship, but the major discovery was two bodies, one intact.
The "City" was named on Earth and scheduled as
station one, but it appeared to be a real space garbage, full of scrap, gold
parts, only one construction seemed intact (we named it the Cathedral). We made
shots of pieces of metal, of every part wearing calligraphy, exposed to the
sun. The "City" seem to be as old as the ship, but it is a very tiny
part. On the rover video, the telephotolens make the artifacts greater.
I don't remember who named the girl, Leonov or me -- was the intact EBE. Humanoid, female, 1.65 meter. Genitalized, haired, six fingers (we guess that mathematics are based on a dozen). Function; pilot, piloting device fixed to fingers and eyes, no clothes, we had to cut two cables connected to the nose. No nostril. Leonov unfixed the eyes device (you'll see that in the video). concretions of blood or bio liquid erupted and froze from the mouth, nose, eyes and some parts of the body. Some parts of the body were in unusual good condition, (hair) and the skin was protected by a thin transparent protection layer. As we told to mission control, condition seemed not dead not alive. We had no medical background or experience, but Leonov and I used a test, we fixed our bio equipment on the EBE, and telemetry received by surgeon (Mission Control meds) was positive. That's another story. Some parts could be unbelievable now, I prefer tell the whole story when other videos will be online.
This experience has been filmed in the LM. We found a second body, destroyed, we brought the head on board. Color of the skin was blue gray, a pastel blue. Skin had some strange details above the eyes and the front, a strap around the head, wearing no inscription. The "cockpit" was full of calligraphy and formed of long semi hexagonal tubes. She is on Earth and she is not dead, but I prefer to post other videos before telling what happened after."
Strange tubes were found on the alien female's face. These were later removed and her body was inspected and filmed on board Strange tubes were found on the alien female's face. These were later removed and her body was inspected and filmed on board the Lunar Module. The video is available on youtube.
Viewzone's conclusion
While the video and story could have been faked, the object
which was photographed by Appollo 15 is patently real. It is not discoloration
of the surface, a photographic artifact or an oddly illuminated crater. The 3D
photograph clearly shows the shape and position of this very unusual object.
Below we have taken two images published from the Appollo 15
mission and have merged them to form a 3-D image. To see this clearly you will
need a pair of 3D glasses (red on left, blue on right). What is it?
We always present interesting theories and encourage you to
comment. Please let us know what you think.
A new study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University said that the Milky Way alone could contain 60 billion planets orbiting red dwarf stars that could support life.
It also suggests new ways for astronomers to test whether planets orbiting red dwarfs have cloud cover.
Dorian Abbot, assistant professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, said: 'Clouds cause warming and they cause cooling on Earth.
'That's part of what keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life.'
The planets believed capable of supporting life fall in habitable zones where they are the right temperature to be able to have liquid water on their surfaces - a requirement of life as we know it.
As red dwarf stars are slightly cooler and less bright than our sun, the planets are usually closer to their star.
Nicolas Cowan, another author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University, said: 'If you're orbiting around a low mass or dwarf star, you have to orbit about once a month or once every two months to receive the same amount of sunlight that we receive from the sun.'
As the orbit of these habitable planets around a red dwarf is tight, they are tidally locked, so that one side of the planet always faces the star.
Therefore anything living on one of these planets would enjoy continual daylight.
The researchers used 3D simulations to model how air would move over a planet tidally locked with a dwarf star.
Mr Cowan said: 'There’s no way you can do clouds properly in one dimension.
'But in a three dimensional model, you’re actually simulating the way air moves and the way moisture moves through the entire atmosphere of the planet.'
They found that if water was found on the surface of a planet it would result in clouds.
These clouds would gather on the star-facing side of the planet where it is always noon.
Their position would have a cooling effect on the inner ring of the habitable zone, enabling the planets to have water on their surfaces, even though they are much closer to their red dwarfs than the Earth is to the sun.
Clouds exert a major influence on Earth's climate. If clouds only cooled the planet by reflecting solar energy back to space, Earth (pictured) would completely ice over. But if clouds only warmed the planet by absorbing and reemitting infrared energy back to the surface, Earth would fry under a runaway greenhouse effect like the one on Venus.
The scientists believe that their findings could prove a new way to confirm the presence of liquid water on the surface of alien planets using the James Web Space Telescope.
The new space observatory is scheduled for launch in 2018.
The researchers said that if the telescope detects a similar cold signal over the star-facing side of an alien planet, it is 'almost definitely from clouds.'
Our galaxy could contain 60 BILLION alien planets
Our galaxy could contain 60 BILLION alien planets capable of
supporting life - double the number thought before
Based on data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft,
scientists had predicted there should be one Earth-size planet in the habitable
zone of each red dwarf star
But researchers at the University of Chicago
have doubled that estimate after considering how cloud cover might help an
alien planet support life
Scientists found that if water was found on the
surface of a planet it would result in clouds that could have a cooling effect
no the planet
Findings could prove a new way to confirm the
presence of liquid water on the surface of alien planets
PUBLISHED: 15:30 GMT, 5 July
2013 | UPDATED: 10:59 GMT, 6 July 2013
Scientists believe our galaxy could contain a staggering 60
billion planets that might be capable of supporting life.
Based on data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft, scientists had
predicted there should be one Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of each
red dwarf, the most common type of star.
But a group of researchers has now doubled that estimate
after considering how cloud cover might help an alien planet support life.
Cloud cover is crucial for life, as clouds not only
reflect sunlight to cool things off - they keep the planet warm enough to
sustain life.
A planet with clouds and surface water orbits a red dwarf
star in this artist's illustration of the Gliese 581 star system. New findings
from the University of Chicago and Northwestern University show that planets
orbiting red dwarf stars are more likely to be habitable than previously
A new study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University said that the Milky Way alone could contain 60 billion planets orbiting red dwarf stars that could support life.
It also suggests new ways for astronomers to test whether planets orbiting red dwarfs have cloud cover.
The researchers based their study, which appeared in
Astrophysical Journal Letters, on rigorous computer simulations of cloud
behaviour on alien planets.
This cloud behaviour dramatically expanded the estimated
habitable zone of red dwarfs, which are much smaller and fainter than stars
like the sun.
Dorian Abbot, assistant professor in geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago, said: 'Clouds cause warming and they cause cooling on Earth.
'They reflect sunlight to cool things off and they absorb infrared radiation
from the surface to make a greenhouse effect.
'That's part of what keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life.'
The planets believed capable of supporting life fall in habitable zones where they are the right temperature to be able to have liquid water on their surfaces - a requirement of life as we know it.
As red dwarf stars are slightly cooler and less bright than our sun, the planets are usually closer to their star.
An illustration of simulated cloud coverage (white) on a
tidally locked planet (blue) that would orbit a red dwarf star. Planetary
scientists at UChicago and Northwestern are applying global climate simulations
to problems in astronomy
Nicolas Cowan, another author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University, said: 'If you're orbiting around a low mass or dwarf star, you have to orbit about once a month or once every two months to receive the same amount of sunlight that we receive from the sun.'
As the orbit of these habitable planets around a red dwarf is tight, they are tidally locked, so that one side of the planet always faces the star.
Therefore anything living on one of these planets would enjoy continual daylight.
The researchers used 3D simulations to model how air would move over a planet tidally locked with a dwarf star.
Mr Cowan said: 'There’s no way you can do clouds properly in one dimension.
'But in a three dimensional model, you’re actually simulating the way air moves and the way moisture moves through the entire atmosphere of the planet.'
They found that if water was found on the surface of a planet it would result in clouds.
These clouds would gather on the star-facing side of the planet where it is always noon.
Their position would have a cooling effect on the inner ring of the habitable zone, enabling the planets to have water on their surfaces, even though they are much closer to their red dwarfs than the Earth is to the sun.
Clouds exert a major influence on Earth's climate. If clouds only cooled the planet by reflecting solar energy back to space, Earth (pictured) would completely ice over. But if clouds only warmed the planet by absorbing and reemitting infrared energy back to the surface, Earth would fry under a runaway greenhouse effect like the one on Venus.
The scientists believe that their findings could prove a new way to confirm the presence of liquid water on the surface of alien planets using the James Web Space Telescope.
The new space observatory is scheduled for launch in 2018.
Mr Cowan said: 'If you look at Brazil or Indonesia with an
infrared telescope from space, it can look cold and that's because you're
seeing the cloud deck'
He explained that the as the cloud deck is at high altitude it
is extremely cold and the same could be true of a habitable planet with a
highly reflective cloud cover.
The researchers said that if the telescope detects a similar cold signal over the star-facing side of an alien planet, it is 'almost definitely from clouds.'
'It's a confirmation that you do have surface liquid water.'
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