
Showing posts from June, 2016

'Standing lakes of water surrounded by trees' on surface of Mars

HISTORIC DISCOVERY? 'Standing lakes of water surrounded by trees' on surface of Mars ALIEN chasers claim to have found evidence of lakes of standing water surrounded by trees sitting on the surface of Mars. But so far NASA has found no evidence of significant surface water, or that even minuscule life forms do or previously existed on Mars. But, UFO believers, who scour NASA images of the Red Planet for evidence of alien life claim to have gone several stages better and found H2O in abundance, possibly supporting life.  ( read more >> ) Source:


UFOS GET CRAZY: 'Ten-mile mothership', 'angel by sun' and 'flying saucer obscured by cloud Credit: By JON AUSTIN IF YOU thought UFO sightings could not get any more far fetched then think again. A rapidly growing number of recent reports of unidentified flying objects range from monster-sized UFOs lurking in our atmosphere to a planet sized alien creation sucking energy from the Sun. First up is a "10-mile wide" UFO mothership gliding across the Earth’s atmosphere as seen from the International Space Station (ISS) livestream. Never one to disappoint when it comes to challenging theories, Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily blog site released the footage to YouTube under the title "Ten-mile UFO seen moving across Earth from space station June 8, 2016". Looking remarkably like a circular-shaped cloud, Mr Waring claims to be convinced it is actually a huge UFO hidden inside a cloud - a techniqu...

UFO 'that could prove Phoenix Lights incident once and for all' caught on stunning film

Three stills from the video showing the strange triangle-formation UFO (Credit: UFO 'that could prove Phoenix Lights incident once and for all' caught on stunning film ET chasers say they believe it could prove once and for all aliens visit Earth. The bizarre object was filmed by a shocked driver at night in Florida. In the short video, first broadcast by the FindingUFO YouTube channel, the man who filmed it cannot contain his amazement at what he is seeing. The witness, who has not been named, is said to have captured the footage on May 7 on Highway 46. He said in the clip: "I don't know if this is being caught, but there is a f***ing flying saucer right there. "What the… it was moving and now it's hovering. "I don't see it anymore, where the hell did it go?  ( Read more >> ) Source:

Ohio UFO Video Shot Near Air Force Base Stuns Viewers

Credit: Ohio UFO Video Shot Near Air Force Base Stuns Viewers, Media Outlets By Clyde Hughes   An Ohio UFO video has gone viral since being posted Saturday, showing what appears to be a strange object hovering around Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton. Secure Team, which frequently reports on UFO sightings, said that a couple recorded the object on May 25 and later contacted a local television station and multiple UFO sites. "It was the husband who actually spotted this object," the video's narrator states. "It was the wife who grabbed her phone and began recording. … According to them, basically, this object, the way it was moving was very strange because it seemed to be moving with the clouds."  ( Read more >> )   Source: