
Showing posts from March, 2016

Eerie footage captures floating bright UFO in sky above Las Vegas

Eerie footage captures floating bright UFO in sky above Las Vegas before appearing to 'land' Credit: Strange clip shows mysterious object clearly hovering in the sky above several houses for minutes before appearing to 'land' This intriguing footage clearly shows a bright orb like UFO hovering in the dusk sky over a residential area. The object is first seen high above a mountain, before slowly starting to descend down towards the ground below.   Read more >> Source:

Is this a SPHINX on Mars?

Is this a SPHINX on Mars? UFO enthusiasts believe they have spotted ancient Egyptian monument on surface of the Red Planet Credit: This is the strange rocky outcrop spotted by an amateur astronomer who has claimed it could be a sphinx Space enthusiasts watching the Curiosity rover roam the surface of Mars claim they have spotted evidence of a statue of a sphinx on the Red Planet. NASA has been beaming photos from space since their mobile robot Curiosity landed there in August 2012. Keen-eyed amateur astronomer Joe White, 45, noticed a chuck of rock in the footage which looks bizarrely like an enormous long statue, complete with head. Read More>> Source:

Aliens are controlling the SUN?

'Aliens are controlling the SUN': UFO hunters say they have spotted strange ships near the solar surface in latest bizarre claim Credit: A YouTuber and 'UFOlogist’ has spottedwhat he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in imagessent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory. And this might not be theirfirst trip around the sun, as Russian scientists have claimed to have seen thesame event ‘six to seven’ years ago The sun 's light and heat keeps our planet alive and a Martian researcher believes UFOs are actually controlling how much is released to Earth . A YouTuber and 'UFOlogist’ has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in images sent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory. And this might not be their first trip around the sun, as Russian scientists have claimed to have seen the same event ‘six to seven’ years ago. ‘People should know th...