'UFO' spotted close to the ISS
'UFO' spotted close to the ISS as astronauts carried out repairs was just glare from the sun, claims expert By JONATHAN O'CALLAGHAN During a spacewalk on 7 October a ‘UFO’ was spotted hovering near the International Space Station (ISS), leading some to suggest Nasa had inadvertently revealed an alien spaceship in orbit. Sadly the answer is much more straightforward, with the smudge being either an speck of dust or a lens flare from the sun. That hasn’t stopped some conspiracy theories arising though, with ufologists somewhat speculatively claiming it was proof that we are not alone in the universe. A ‘UFO’ appeared briefly (shown in red ring) in a Nasa video of a spacewalk on the ISS on 7 October. The sighting led to speculation that it might be an alien spacecraft. But experts have revealed it is just an artefact in the image such as lens flare. 'My guess is that it's an artefact of some sort,' says Professor Andrew Balogh The not...