
Showing posts from November, 2016

UFO Attack Imminent As Turkey Experiences Mass Sightings

UFO Attack Imminent As Turkey Experiences Mass Sightings, Is America Next? In one of the most chilling UFO-related incidents of the year, a series of ominous lights have been seen by numerous witnesses in Turkey Sunday night, fuelling fears that a possible extraterrestrial attack might soon be taking place. The mysterious objects, which were very similar in appearance to the famous Phoenix Lights incident back in 1997, have been sighted by witnesses all over the Middle Eastern country, resulting in the hashtag #ufoattacktoturkey immediately trending on Twitter. What was particularly disturbing, however, was the fact that Twitter immediately started removing photos and tweets related to the incident hours after the hashtag trended.  Read more >> Source:

Australian Telescope Joins Search for Alien Life

Australian Telescope Joins $100 Million Search for Alien Life The Parkes radio telescope in Australia is the third telescope to begin searching for signs of intelligent alien life as part of the $100 million Breakthrough Listen project.  Credit: CSIRO By Mike Wall A $100 million  search for intelligent alien life  just added a big arrow to its quiver. Breakthrough Listen  has begun using the Parkes radio telescope in Australia to scan the heavens, representatives of the ambitious, decade-long project announced Monday (Nov. 7). The Parkes dish becomes the third telescope to be employed by Breakthrough Listen, joining the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Automated Planet Finder at Lick Observatory in Northern California. "The addition of Parkes is an important milestone," billionaire entrepreneur Yuri Milner, founder of the Breakthrough Initiatives, which include Breakthrough Listen,  said in a statement . "These major i...

Mysterious emerald-green orb 'UFO' appears over Japan

Little green yen: Mysterious emerald-green orb 'UFO' appears over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks behind it A mysterious green 'UFO' has been spotted over Japan, leaving a trail of sparks behind it as it travelled across the sky. The green orb was seen in Niigata, in the north of the country, in the early hours of Monday morning. Experts say the object was likely to be a fireball, the name given to a very bright meteor. Read more >> Source: