
Showing posts from October, 2016

UFO enthusiast claims a strange multi-coloured light 'broke' her video camera

Image A UFO enthusiast claims a strange multi-coloured light 'broke' her video camera as she tried to record it hovering over her house. The woman, who reveals on her YouTube channel that her name is Melody, describes multi-coloured ball of light, that appear to be chasing an orange 'orb'. At several points throughout the footage, the mysterious ball appears to change from red to blue to green, but that wasn't the strangest thing she noticed. In the video, Melody says: "There is a humming noise coming from this craft. Read more >> Source:

Is ET cleaning up?

Is ET cleaning up? Creepy UFO zaps plane's chemtrail cloud from the sky in erratic flight manoeuvres   A UFO has been filmed seemingly sucking up the clouds in the sky left behind by an aircraft engine. This bizarre footage was captured when chemtrails disappeared behind a white light that moved smoothly through them. And when it was done, the unidentified light or craft just zipped off again. Posted online by YouTuber WTFflow , the video was taken on September 28 at 7.41pm. He explains: "I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset. "To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after five or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be manmade.   Read more >> Source: