UFO sightings in North of England

UFO sightings in North of England are 'proof of extraterrestrial life' Credit: mirror.co.uk ( UFOs: Is this proof of extra terrestrial life?) A North East UFO “investigator” has claimed that bright lights above the region’s skies are a sign of extraterrestrial life. Analysis of encounters logged with the Mutual UFO Network (Mufon)- described as ‘the world’s oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body’- show 18 incidents logged in the region since January last year. They range from a sighting of a ‘teleporting man’, to a silent rocket, and a ‘white glowing object’ that changed direction in the blink of an eye. Glen Richardson, a Hartlepool based UFO Investigative Researcher, said the sightings proved we’re not alone. He told the Chronicle : “I have been investigating incidents for around 20 years now, I get about five pictures and messages about UFOs from across the North East and UK every week. “It may be true that nine times out...