UFO Sightings

The Ariel School in Zimbabwe sighting is one of the most significant in recent UFO history. ...The event he lasted about twenty to thirty minutes, the children said, before the spaceships faded from view. But even in their state of fear, many of the children reported also being curious and fascinated by the strange beings they saw, whose eyes in particular commanded an intense attention. Curious about the validity of what the kids were claiming. Using a technique I learned from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, I opened my third eye, where one can easily access the past and future. You can change the reality. Whatever you think or wish will become a reality. Once open, I could see the events that led up to the UFO sightings. This was not my imagination. You have got to mature through life to enter into that stage. Otherwise you should be under the direct supervision and guidance of a person who has already opened his third eye. Are there bad effects of opening the third ...